Especially now since it seems 3D platformers are sort of making a comeback, it’d be the perfect time to reboot the game. Get on the trailer and begin a battle with this female demon :-BOSS STRATEGY : EVE HP : 330 MP : unknown This is a hard battle, at least it's a hard battle on a trailer. I’d love to see it brought back, totally redone hopefully in something like Unreal Engine, and released onto today’s current consoles. But that’s kind of what made the game fun. Ape Escape was a maddening 3D platformer on the PlayStation One and I can’t tell you how hard I tried to catch those damn monkeys. Game Trailers has got a teaser trailer for the long anticipated sequel to the 1st 2 Parasite Eve games, Parasite Eve The 3rd Birthday. I bet you weren’t expecting this game to be on the list. I think this game in particular deserves a reboot. For Aya Brea, the five days that followed were a nightmare from which only she could awaken the world. A massacre at Carnegie Hall leaves only a lone New York police detective and a mysterious actress alive. Back then, I had thought Raziel was one of the coolest characters in video games, with his demonic look and scarf over his vampiric jaw. Parasite Eve: Directed by Takashi Tokita. While there have been newer Soul Reaver games, they haven’t quite been like anything in Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver. So there’s a lot of nostalgia behind the title.
You’ll often hear me talking about early Soul Reaver games in some of my articles, but this was a series that I played a lot with my Dad. The concept of the Fatal Frame games are so horrifying, I just think there’s a lot of opportunity for a reboot. While I enjoyed the use of the Wii U gamepad in the latest Fatal Frame game, I still want to see the game totally redone and released onto the Xbox One and PS4. Of course, later sequels usually never are, but I would love to see a complete reboot of the series, but just made in today’s technology. Fatal Frame recently had a sequel release on the Wii U called, Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water, but it wasn’t what the games used to be.